Moving freely plays a significant role in your quest to live your best life. Why wait to break when there is a better solution out there.
For the thirty years I’ve been in the movement industry, my goal was to discover the protocol for healthy movement to help everyone move freely. However, I have realised that everyone following the same protocol for healthy movement does not work otherwise no one would be injured and everyone would be healthy. Each of us has a unique body and path that we have followed – so instead of relying on a quick-fix or one size fits all approach, it’s crucial to listen to your body and the journey it has taken and adopt a holistic approach to wellness and movement and being open minded to what creates good movement besides just moving.

There is a gold standard for movement screenings that can be assessed in clinic but here is a quick assessment you can do at home. It’s called a ‘sit to stand’ test to see how well you are moving…
Good healthy movement means you can sit down on the floor with your legs crossed from standing , don’t use your hands to assist, go down in a controlled fashion with no bumps or drops at the end and then get up again without assistance.
Well done if you have achieved this – you have great movement!
If it was a challenge, maybe we should talk.